You need a personal injury lawyer that will help you WIN your case.
We will work tirelessly to help you WIN and get you full compensation for all your injuries.
We will work tirelessly to help you WIN and get you full compensation for all your injuries.
Andrew Alpert is a Partner with Alpert Schreyer Injury Accident Lawyers. He is one of the leading DUI and trial attorneys in Maryland and the District of Columbia. He is also a former prosecutor and has had specific training in DUI/DWI law. He has earned a reputation as an aggressive and skillful criminal defense lawyer.
Along with many Maryland DUI cases covered by the press (Maryland Independent 09/17/2004; Maryland Independent 09/22/2004), Mr. Alpert has appeared on national television to offer his legal opinion on high-profile criminal cases and has successfully defended numerous Maryland motor vehicle DUI/DWI and manslaughter cases.
Our Experienced Personal Injury Team is Standing By