Here are some of the specific ways a serious injury can disrupt your life:
A Serious Injury Can Hurt Your Financial Situation
A serious injury can result in significant unexpected expenses, even if you have good insurance. In addition, if you’re seriously hurt, it’s likely that you will be unable to work for a significant period of time, potentially resulting in the loss of substantial income.
A Serious Injury Can Have a Negative Impact on Your Career
If you’re a working professional, you know how important it is for you to be on top of your game and to involve yourself in as much as possible at work. While your colleagues may understand that your injury is not your fault, missing weeks or months of work can affect your level of involvement, and you may miss out on opportunities that you could have taken had you not been injured.
A Serious Injury Can Keep You from Doing the Things You Once Enjoyed
Many people who are seriously injured develop temporary or permanent physical limitations that keep them from doing the things they enjoyed before their injury. For example, if you were physically active prior to a broken femur, it’s likely that you’ll be unable to be as active as you were for several months after your injury. If you sustain a complete spinal cord injury (resulting paralysis below the site of the injury), it’s possible that you’ll never be able to do the things you did before your injury.
Serious Injuries Can Result in Significant Compensation
Fortunately for victims, Maryland law entitles people injured in accidents that someone else’s negligence caused to recover for both their economic and non-economic losses. Common damages that accident victims seek include medical expenses, lost income, lost quality of life, physical and emotional pain and suffering, and lost quality of life. Importantly, it can be difficult for accident victims to recover the full value of their claims without the assistance of an attorney, so if you’ve suffered an injury in an accident that you think was the result of someone’s negligence, you should contact an attorney immediately.
Call Alpert Schreyer Injury Accident Lawyers, Today to Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With a Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer
If you suffered a serious injury in a preventable accident, you may be entitled to significant compensation under Maryland law. At Alpert Schreyer Injury Accident Lawyers, we are committed to helping victims recover compensation and will review the facts of your case at no cost to you. To schedule your free case evaluation with a personal injury in Maryland, call our office today at 301-381-2655 or contact us online.